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Orders FAQs
Stripe FAQs
Memberships FAQs
PMS Integration (Opera, Guestline, Mews, Hotsoft)
Trybe Pay Transaction fees
How to track a refund?
Why am I not able to book an offering when there is availability in the calendar?
How do I turn off online bookings for a certain date?
Why can I not move a treatment to a Practitioner even though they are available?
Where can I access my subscription invoices?
Why am I not receiving the password reset email?
How do I view emails after they have been sent to a guest?
Why is the revenue allocations report a different amount to the revenue listed on the deposit ledger?
Why am I not notified when I have a message from Support/LiveChat?
How to view a Client's Intake/Medical forms?
What Emails will guests receive?
Trybe Payments
Apple Pay
Memberships FAQs
What status does a Membership have to be in to book 'Members only' offerings?
When are Membership credits issued/ reissued?
How to manually issue Membership credits to a client profile?
How can I extend a Membership?
Can I pause a Client’s Membership?
Can I refund a Membership charge when the Membership has been 'Archived'?
How can I refund a membership charge?
Why is there more than one Membership payment in the same month?
Can I extend an Expired Membership?
Why is the membership in 'Needs attention' status when I have recorded the payment and they are all up to date?
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