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Can I refund a Membership charge when the Membership has been 'Archived'?

You are unable to refund a membership charge through Trybe when a membership has been archived. When you 'Archive' a membership, it is no longer accessible in Trybe. Therefore, if any membership charges has been taken on a membership and you then 'Cancel' the membership, the best thing to do is to keep it on the profile instead of archiving it. You should only 'Archive' memberships if no charges have been associated with it. This will ensure that if you ever need to refund a charge you will be able to via Trybe.

If a membership is archived you will still be able to access the membership order associated with the membership (i.e. pro rata or joining fee). Therefore, you will be able to refund the membership order by heading to a client's profile and then to their orders, one of the orders listed will be the membership order.

Click onto the order to open it and once there you can go to the payments tab and then on the three dots on the corresponding payment and then click 'Refund'.