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How to print an Order receipt
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated today

Once you have connected your receipt printer to Trybe, this feature will allow you to print order receipts for your guests. To do this head to an order and select ‘Print receipt’.

When you press 'Print receipt' a pop up will appear, if you have set up more than one printer then a 'Pick printer' option will be there where you can select the printer from the drop down menu. In the pop up you can also toggle on any additional elements you want to include on the receipt:

  • Include space for name

  • Include space for signature

  • Include space for room number

  • Include space for gratuity

Once you have toggled on all of the elements you want to include, press 'Print' and the receipt will print immediately!

Please note that we also have the option of sending an email to the customer including VAT rather than printing the physical receipt. Please press here to see how to do this!

What does the receipt include?

The receipt will include:

  • Logo uploaded on the integration settings or if no logo upload it will just display the site name.

    • First screenshot is a receipt with a logo, second screenshot is a receipt without a logo so the site name is used.

  • Order ref

  • Items in the order including their price

  • Subtotal

  • VAT

  • Total

  • Space for 'Room number' (if toggled on)

  • Space for 'Name' (if toggled on)

  • Space for 'Signature' (if toggled on)

  • Space for 'Gratuity' (if toggled on)

At the bottom of the receipt you will also have:

  • Site name

  • Address

  • Tax ID

  • Date and time the receipt was printed

The address and tax ID will be pulled from the information you entered in the 'Tax info' section of the 'Legal' settings.

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