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Google Tag Manager
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over a month ago

If you use Google Tag Manager to insert code and perform analytics on your website, you can link the Trybe shop to your Tag Manager account. To do this simply head to Settings > Manage Integrations > Google Tag Manager > Configure or head straight to this link.

You will just need to enter in your

  • Google Tag Manager ID (E.g. GTM-XXXXXXX)

And then select "Save Changes"

This will configure your Trybe shop to your Tag Manager account so you can manage and set up the Trybe shop with google analytics as you so wish.

You can disable the integration at any time by selecting the 'Disable integration' button.

Tag Manager Events

Trybe sends standard analytic events ie purchase and add_to_cart, so you can start getting your data straight away. we also send some additional events to set up. All events we are able to send are outlined below.

Event name



When a customer adds an item to their basket.


When a customer shares an item details page using the 'Share' button (iOS and Android only)


When a customer starts the process of adding an item to their order but before the item has been placed in the order. ie, when a customer clicks "Configure Package".


When a customer closes the above window without adding the item to their basket


When a customer selects a date on the date picker on an item detail page


When a customer changes the month on the date picker on an item detail page


When a customer increments or decrements the number of guests selector on the item detail page


When a customer removes an item from their basket


When a customer views an item detail page


When a customer begins the process of signing up for a membership


When the customer finishes signing up for a membership


When a customer visits the checkout page


When an order is placed


When a customer successfully creates an account


When a customer successfully resets their password

Item details sent in events

We include additional details about basket value and item details with certain events, notably:

add_to_cart, where we send

  • The total value of the items added

  • An array containing the added item, with

    • The 'affiliation' (name of the site)

    • The name of the item

    • The quantity

    • The price of the item

purchase, where we send

  • The ID of the order

  • The total value of the order

  • An array of items in the order, each with

    • The 'affiliation' (name of the site)

    • The name of the item

    • The quantity

    • The price of the item

Technical implementation

A single 'data layer' is created to handle sending events to:

  • Trybe's own internal analytics

  • Your own analytics, if configured

  • Your own Google tag manager, if configured

The following diagram illustrates the technical implementation

When an event occurs on the Trybe shop, it registers that event with the data later, and the data layer processes the event:

  • The event is sent to Trybe's own analytics

  • The event is sent to your own analytics if configured

  • The event is sent to your own GTM container if configured

The 'wildcard' here is Client GTM, which can do several things:

  • It can inject custom code** into Trybe pages, overriding core behaviour (this is how you could change the background colour or insert custom font on the Trybe Shop)

  • It can forward events to your own Google Analytics property

  • It can forward events to other destinations

** Please contact our Support team should you wish to see some custom shop examples

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