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SMS Notifications
Ophelie Huguet avatar
Written by Ophelie Huguet
Updated over 2 months ago

SMS setup

This guide will take you through our new SMS feature, allowing you to send Confirmation, Cancellation, Reminder, Follow up & Pay by Link requests via Text. Please note you'll be charged per text and here are the tariffs -

Please ensure you've read and accept these charges. You'll need to ask your Onboarding Manager or our Support team to switch this on.

If you want your guests to receive text messages then you can configure texts for certain communications. To do this head to Settings >Marketing & Comms > SMS notifications > here you can set up your notifications...

SMS Sender ID

In this section, you can customise the sender name that will be displayed on the recipient's device. This can be up to 11 characters.

Configure SMS notifications

  • Send order confirmation texts

    • Automated confirmation messages: When you toggle this on, it will automatically send a confirmation through your booking engine to all clients

  • Send order cancellation texts

  • Send pay by link request texts

You can toggle on any of the above options. Once toggled on this will mean you will be able to manually send texts for new and/or cancelled orders.

Reminder texts

  • Send reminder texts - if you toggle this on this will mean that guests will receive reminder texts regarding their upcoming booking.

    • Automated reminder messages: Once toggled on the following options will appear:

      • Days before booking - select how many days before the booking the text should be sent.

      • Time to send - enter in the time you want the text to be automatically sent

Please note: A reminder text won't be sent if the booking is made after the day that the reminder would be sent.

Follow up texts

  • Send follow up texts - if you toggle this on this will mean that guests will receive texts regarding their recent booking.

    • Automated follow up messages: Once toggled on the following options will appear:

      • Days before booking - select how many days before the booking the text should be sent.

      • Time to send - enter in the time you want the text to be automatically sent

Please note: Follow up texts will only be sent on 'Checked out' orders.

When making any changes to this page please remember to 'Save'.

SMS templates

If you head to Settings > SMS notifications > SMS templates you will be able to set up the templates for your texts.

To do this select 'Add new template'. Here you can then enter in the 'template name' and the 'Message type'. The 'Message type' you can choose from are:

  • Basket confirmed - a text sent when booking is confirm

  • Basket cancelled with charge - a text sent when booking is cancelled with a charge

  • Basket cancelled without charge - a text sent when booking is cancelled without a charge

  • Basket reminder - a text sent to let the customer know their booking is coming up

  • Basket follow up - a text sent to follow up with the customer regarding their recent booking

  • Pay by link request - a text sent to complete a pay by link

Once a template name is entered and message type is selected press 'Create' to start building the template.


  • Template name

  • Message type

  • Priority - If several templates apply to a text, they will be added in order of priority, lowest number first.


Here you can toggle on the offerings that you want this template to apply to. If no offerings are selected, this template will not apply to any offerings.


Here you can enter in a message that the customer will receive via text.

Top tip: You can insert the customer's first and/or last name by using the following placeholders in your message: ###{{firstName}} and ###{{lastName}}.

Remember to 'Save changes'!

Each text contains up to 130 characters. You can exceed this and if so Trybe will send the message as multiple texts i.e. anything over 130 and below 260 characters will send as 2 texts etc.

When entering your message, it will display the number of characters as well as the number of messages that will be sent in the bottom right:

We will include one order link in the text(s). This has a character count of 17. This is not included in the character count seen below the template. If wanting to keep to one text the max character count would be 113.

You will be charged per text sent to your customers.

How to manually send a confirmation text on an order

If a customer makes a booking on the shop front then the confirmation text will automatically be sent to the customer, if the SMS notifications settings are set up to do so ('Send order confirmation texts' is toggled on) and the client has a phone number linked to their profile.

If you want to manually send a confirmation text head to the order > Messages tab > Confirmation > Send text. This will then send the text to the phone number linked to the lead booker of the order. You also have the option to 'Preview text' if you want to check what will be sent.

To send a confirmation text, there must be a phone number linked to the order.

The confirmation text that is sent out to the customer will contain a link which will direct the client to their order on the shop front so they can see what they have booked and when. Here they can then fill out their intake form via the shop front too, if their booking requires an intake form!

How to manually send a cancellation text

If an order is cancelled then you can head to the order to send a cancellation text to the customer.

You must have 'Send cancelation text' toggled on in the SMS notifications settings.

If you want to send a cancellation text you can head to the order > Messages tab > cancellation (charge) or cancellation (no charge) > send text. This will then send the text to the phone number linked to the lead booker of the order. You also have the option to 'Preview text' if you want to check what will be sent.

To send a cancellation text, there must be a phone number linked to the order.

How to send a pay by link text

To send a pay by link text head to an order that has an outstanding balance > Payments > Add payment > Pay by link.

Here you can then select the 'Text' option. Here you can then enter/ edit the phone number the text will be sent to and choose the amount to pay and whether this is a payment or authorisation. Then 'Send text'.

Once the text is sent the customer will then receive a text including the link where they can make the payment for the order. Once paid, the payment will then appear on the order showing the payment has been successful. You can keep track of this on the Payments tab of the order and also on the pay by link dashboard.

Automatic Reminder texts

These texts cannot be manually sent. If 'send reminder texts' has been toggled on in the SMS notifications settings, then these will be automatically sent at the time set on the amount of days before their booking.

Reminder texts will only be sent if there is a phone number linked to the order and if the order was created before the reminder text for the order would be sent.

If this has been set up and a reminder text template has been set for the specific offering then the template will be sent to the client. The text that is sent out to the customer will contain a link which will direct the client to their order on the shop front so they can be reminded of what they have booked and when. Here they can then fill out their intake form via the shop front too, if their booking requires an intake form!

You are able to disable reminder texts per order. If you head to an order > Messages tab > here it will provide you with a date and time the reminder text for this order will be sent, if this has been set up. If you do not want this specific order to receive a reminder text you can select 'Disable' > a pop up will then appear warning you that this will disable the reminder text from being sent. If this is what you want to do you can confirm by selecting 'Disable'.

Once disabled it will then state that "The reminder text will not be sent" and the customer will not receive a reminder text for this order. To enable this again simply select 'Enable' and this will then enable the reminder text for this order again.

Automatic follow up texts

These texts cannot be manually sent. If 'send follow up texts' has been toggled on in the SMS notifications settings, then these will be automatically sent at the time set on the amount of days after their booking.

Follow up texts will only be sent if there is a phone number linked to the order and the order has been checked out.

If this has been set up and a follow up text template has been set for the specific offering then the template will be sent to the client.

You are able to disable follow up texts per order. If you head to an order > Messages tab > here it will provide you with a date and time the follow up text for this order will be sent, if this has been set up. If you do not want this specific order to receive a follow up text you can select 'Disable' > a pop up will then appear warning you that this will disable the follow up text from being sent. If this is what you want to do you can confirm by selecting 'Disable'.

Once disabled it will then state that "The follow up text will not be sent" and the customer will not receive a follow up text for this order. To enable this again simply select 'Enable' and this will then enable the follow up text for this order again.

How to keep track of texts that have been sent

To keep track of texts that have been sent, you can head to the Orders > Messages > here you will be able to see any texts that have been sent.

Please note texts will only have one tick next to the text and will not update to double ticks or to blue double ticks when opened as there is no way to track what texts have been delivered and opened.

There is also a report you can use to keep track too. You can find more information on this here.

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