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SMS usage report
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 2 months ago

To access this report head to Reports > Operations > SMS usage.

Here you will see a collection of all of the texts message that have been sent.

Please view the guide here to see how to set up SMS notifications.

Based on the date range you select, the report will list the texts sent within this date range.

You can also select 'Add filter' to toggle on the 'Message type' filter

So you can filter the report by the message types you have i.e. basket confirmed, basket reminder, pay by link request etc.

The report will include Totals:

  • Messages - the number of text messages sent

  • Total cost - the cost generated from the texts that have been sent

The report will list:

  • Recipient - the phone number the text was sent to

  • Country code - i.e. GB

  • Message type - i.e. basket confirmed, basket reminder, pay by link request etc.

  • Order ref - a link to take you directly to the order that the text was sent for

  • Cost to send - amount it cost to send that particular text

  • Sent at - time and date the text was sent at

For the messages that were successfully sent, 'Sent' will be displayed in green. However, if the message hasn't been sent, 'Failed' will be displayed in red:

You can also 'Export' this report too.

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