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Membership types
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over a week ago

To set up all of your Membership types head to Settings > Clients & memberships > Membership types > Add new type.

Fill in the Name of the membership type, Initial rate and Select the frequency for example, 'every month' or 'every year'. Then 'Create'.

You will see a list of all your membership types. Each membership type will have labels next to them, one label will either be 'Private' or 'Public'. This refers to whether the membership will be available for to the public on the shop front.

'T&Cs not set': This label is a warning to inform you that there are no terms and conditions filled in for this membership type.

When you have created the membership type you will need to add all your information.

To to do this press the three dots next to the specific membership and select 'Edit'.

You will then be brought to a page where you can fill out different sections about this membership.


To add the details of your membership type, go to Settings > Membership types > three dots > edit.

In this section you can edit the name of the Membership type and add a description.

This description should describe the perks of the membership, if this membership is public then this will be visible on the shop front.

Remember to 'Save details' when done.


To add the different rates to the membership. Go to Settings > Membership types > find the Membership > three dots > edit.

Scroll to Rates, the rate you set up when you created the membership will be in this section and be called 'Default rate' but you will be able to edit the name and add more details to the rate by pressing the three dots > edit.

You can also Add new rate, this will lead you to the pop up shown in the following screenshot.

This includes:

  • Name

  • Amount - enter in the amount that the member needs to pay in accordance to the frequency

  • Frequency - how frequency the amount entered will be due/ taken i.e. every month/ every year

  • Joining Fee - simply enter the amount, or leave it blank if no joining fee is needed for this rate

  • Public - toggle this on/off this will determine the rate is able to be chosen on self-signup. When a rate is public it means that it will be selectable on the self-signup flow.

  • Default duration - If this rate is 'Public' then you will have the option to select a default duration. Here you can define how long the membership should last when a guest signs up for a membership under this rate. You can choose from the following durations...

    • No end date - if this is selected the membership will continue indefinitely

    • 3 months

    • 6 months

    • 1 year

Please note that the 'Default duration' must be greater than or equal to the billing frequency. For example, you will not be able to create a rate with a frequency of every year and the default duration set to 3 months.

When completed select 'Create rate'.

You will see a list of all the rates within this membership type. A 'Private' or 'Public' label will be attached to each rate and you will also see an overview of the price and joining fee and default duration.

Terms & Conditions

Each membership type will need terms and conditions. To create these head to Settings > Membership types > three dots > edit > scroll to Terms & Conditions.

Here you can write the terms for purchasing a membership this will be visible on your shop front when a customer makes an booking if the membership is public. If you would like to hyperlink any phrase to more detailed terms and conditions, this can be done by pressing the link/ chain icon (circled above)

This means that a customer will be able to press this phrase and it will redirect them to the detailed terms and conditions of your spa.
Remember to 'Save terms' when done.

This image displays where the terms and conditions appear when purchasing a membership. The customer will have to tick to agree to the terms and conditions in order to purchase the membership.

Recurring Credits

To set up the recurring credits for the membership types go to Settings > Membership types > three dots >edit > scroll to Recurring credits > New recurring credit.

You will then fill out this information about the recurring credit...

  • Name - name of the recurring credit

  • Description -description of what this recurring credit includes

  • Multi-use (yes or no) - select whether or not this recurring credit is multi-use, can it be used an unlimited amount of time until it expires?

  • Issued on signup (yes or no) - select whether this recurring credit should be instantly issued to members when they signup. Otherwise it will only be issued on the regular billing date (1st of the month)

  • Offerings -

    • Offerings - toggle on the offerings this credit applies to, move between products/ appointments/ sessions/ area bookings/ packages

    • Valid weekdays - tick/ untick the weekdays this recurring credit is valid on

    • Discount type - select either specific amount (monetary value) or percentage

    • Discount amount/ Discount percentage - enter the £ off or % off here.

When you have finished adding all information about this credit press 'Save'. If you then go back to the membership and go to recurring credits it will be listed there.

On the list of recurring credits you can select the three dots to...

  • Info - this will provide the info on which offerings this credit links to

  • Edit - will take you to the page to edit this particular credit

  • Issue now - Normally, we'll issue this credit on each member's next billing date.

    But by clicking "Yes, issue credit" we'll issue this credit right now to all active members of this type. (If you select "Issue now" the credit won't be issued to members who already have this credit)

  • Delete - if you delete a credit, the credit will no longer be automatically issued. Existing credits will still be valid until their expiry date.


The pre-sale feature will allow you to pick a future start date for new memberships. Any memberships created for this type will have a start date of the date you choose.

To set up this feature scroll to the 'Pre-sale' section and toggle on the 'Enable' button. Once toggled on a 'Start date' box will appear where you can choose the date from the drop down calendar. When you have selected the date select 'Save pre-sale' to save changes.

This will mean that when a customer signs up for this membership on the shop front, it will state 'Your membership will start...' and the date will be the date you have selected for the 'pre-sale'.

Also, when adding a membership to a client profile in the app the start date will automatically be pre-filled to the start date you selected in the 'pre-sale' section.

Multi-person membership

In this section you can choose whether the Membership is Single, Couples only or Custom.

  • Single person only - This is the default setting for single memberships. If this remains selected then when a single person membership is added to a client profile you will not be able to added any additional members.

  • Couples only - This will be a membership for up to 2 people. If this is selected then when a couples only membership is added to a client profile you will be able to add 1 additional member.

  • Custom - This can be used for memberships for more than 2 people i.e. a family or group membership.

    • You will then be able to enter in the 'Max members' for this membership i.e. if you enter in 5 here then when this membership is added to a client profile you will be able to add a max of 4 additional members.

When you have chosen whether you want the membership to be single, couples or custom you will have to select 'Save multi-person membership' to save the changes.

Please view the guide on Multi-person Memberships for more information on how it works!


In this section you can choose whether this membership will be :

  • Public : Anyone will be able to purchase this membership on your shopfront (If "auto payments" is enabled in the options section)

  • By link only : Only client with the link will be able to purchase this membership.(If "auto payments" is enabled in the options section)

  • Private : The membership cannot be purchased online

Remember to 'Save visibility'.

See a guide of the membership sign up on the shop front here!


Here you can configure how this membership works.

Please note when you create a membership type 'Auto payments' automatically be toggled on and in the visibility section 'Public' will automatically be selected. Please select 'Private' for the visibility if you are not yet ready for the membership to be accessible on the shop front.

  • Auto payments - if this is toggled on Trybe will take care of collecting Direct Debit mandates/ payment methods, billing the customer when payment is due, handling failures, and generating reports for you and your team. If you would prefer to do this manually toggle auto payments off.

  • Disable membership confirmed email - When memberships are confirmed, we'll send an email to the customer to let them know. If you'd prefer to disable this email, you can toggle this option on and the email won't be sent. For more info press here!

If you toggle "Auto payments" off and the visibility is set to "Public" or "By link only" in the visibility section, then this membership will NOT be accessible on the shop because in order for a membership to be accessible on the shop it has to have "auto payments" enabled so the membership is purchasable online.

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