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Communication language settings

How do I select the languages for email communications?

Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 3 months ago

With Communication Languages you can tell Trybe which languages you'd be happy for emails to be sent out to your clients.

To do this, head to Settings > Marketing & Communications > Communication Language > here you can use the drop down field to select the languages you're happy to send communication out to based on the language preference of the client. Press SAVE.

When a client first makes a booking, the preferred language of the client will be set to the Default Language of your Trybe account. The languages we support are:

  • English

  • French

  • Swedish

  • Norwegian

  • Danish

  • Finnish

Internal users can change the Preferred Language of a client from the clients profile, by heading to Clients > search for the client name > go into the profile > Preferred Language. There are two behaviours that will occur:

  1. If the Clients preferred language is set to a language you have selected to support in the Communication Language settings, they will receive all emails sent from Trybe in their preferred language.

  2. If the clients preferred language is set to a language you have NOT selected to support in the Communication Language settings, they will receive all emails in the default language of your Trybe account.

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