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Appointment types
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 3 months ago

Appointment types are typically treatments that you offer. This could be any individual treatments that require a trained Practitioner and can be booked constantly across the course of the year i.e. facials or massages.

To create Appointment types head to Settings > Offerings > Appointment types > Add new appointment type > enter Appointment name > Create.

If you select the three dots next to the appointment type you will be able to 'Edit', 'Copy' or 'Archive', the appointment.

If you archive appointments you will be able to find them by toggling on the 'Archived appointment types' button. Here you will then see a list of all archived appointment types and you will be able to restore them by selecting the three dots > Restore.

If you select 'Edit' you will then be able to work through these steps within the Appointment type as required:


  • Name - name of this appointment type

  • Description (Mandatory) - this will display to your customers on your Trybe Shop if chosen to be 'Public' or accessible 'By link only'.

  • Shop Image - Here you can upload an image that will be used for this Appointment type on the shop front. If no image is chosen Trybe's default shop image will appear. The image must be max 1mb and dimensions should use the aspect ratio 3 / 2.

  • Product code - add a code for this Appointment type. This will make it easier to see an overview of the appointment when it is in the calendar. E.g. the product code for Aromatherapy Massage could be 'AROMA'.

  • Categories - let us know what category/ categories this Appointment type belongs to i.e. Massages / Facials. Customers will then be able to filter using these categories on the shop when making a booking.

  • Revenue centre - select the revenue centre that you want this Appointment type's revenue to go to.


  • Public - discoverable by anyone (if no restrictions on members etc). Select this is you want customers to be able to book this on your website.

  • By link only - only accessible to people who have the link (unique URL generated for this specific appointment type). This means it won't be indexed on search engines and won't be found on your category pages online.

  • Private - won't appear on your booking engine at all. Can only be booked by users via the app.

Please not that if availability rules are not set, this appointment type will not be visible online for customers to book and for users it will always show as unavailable. You will need to set up the availability of the appointment.

Members settings

  • Members only - toggle on if this appointment is only available if you have a membership.

    • Permitted membership types (Restrict this item to certain membership types) - if you toggle on 'Members only' you will then be able to select which membership types should be allowed to book this appointment. If you want all membership types to be able to book then you can leave this section blank.

  • Membership booking windows - If depending on the Membership type you allow some members to book further in advance or closer to the booking date you can set up the rules dependent on the membership type of the customer. Simply toggle this option on to activate. You can then select 'Add new booking window...

    • Membership type - select the membership from the drop down menu. This will display all of the membership types in your system. View the guide on creating membership types here.

    • Earliest booking - choose when to open up bookings. For example, if you select 7 days here bookings for 30th June will be available from 23rd June. You can leave this as 'None' if no restrictions are needed.

    • Latest booking - choose when to close bookings. For example, if you select 4 hours here bookings for 5pm will be available until 1pm. You can leave this as 'None' if no restrictions are needed.

    • > Create.

You can set up as many membership windows with different 'Earliest booking' and 'Latest booking' restrictions to as many membership types as you want! Select the three dots to 'Edit' or 'Delete' the booking window.

Duration settings

  • Duration - Trybe will need to know how long the treatment lasts, select the number of minutes/ hours here.

  • Start time interval - you can control how frequently this appointment can be booked. E.g. if you select 15 mins, the appointment will be bookable in 15 minute intervals i.e. 10:00, 10:15, 10:30 etc.

  • Cleaning time - here you can add the duration of the cleaning time for this appointment. This is anytime after the appointment that is needed for cleaning. This time will not be included in the overall duration when a customer is booking but it will be visible on your calendar so you can see how much time is booked out for cleaning. If no cleaning time is required select 'None'.

Guests settings

  • Couples appointment - if this appointment type is for couples i.e. couples massage or couples facial, toggle this on. For this you will need to have a Double treatment room or at least two single treatment rooms so that each guest has a treatment bed. You will also need to ensure that there are at least two practitioners assigned to be able to take this treatment also. Trybe will only allow the Couples booking if there are two practitioners and two beds available.

  • Prefer larger rooms - if you would prefer this appointment type to be assigned to larger rooms, toggle this on. When enabled, we'll try to assign groups to larger rooms before single ones.


  • Once you have up your Practitioners, you can assign those who are trained to provide these treatments. Here simply select the practitioners from the drop down menu. Tick and untick the practitioners according to whether or not they can take this appointment type.

At least one practitioner must be selected in order to enable this appointment's availability.


  • Select any specific equipment for this treatment, e.g. Hot Rocks. As you have set up the quantity of equipment in settings, Trybe will be able to use this information to check availability when booking in this appointment type. These can be left blank if no equipment is required for this appointment type.


  • Select the rooms this appointment type can be carried out in. Simply select the rooms according to whether or not they can be used for this appointment type.

At least one room must be ticked in order to enable this appointment's availability.

This is the final step of Appointment types Details' section so remember to 'Save' when finished.


Here you can define when this appointment is bookable.

  • Earliest booking - choose when to open up bookings. You can choose from days/ hours/ minutes. For example, if you select 7 days here bookings for 30th June will be available from 23rd June. You can leave this blank if no restrictions are needed.

  • Latest booking - choose when to close bookings. You can choose from days/ hours/ minutes. For example, if you select 4 hours here bookings for 5pm will be available until 1pm. You can leave this blank if no restrictions are needed.

For both the earliest and latest booking rules, if you have set rules for days/ hours/ minutes and then want to clear the rule set you can just select the 'clear' option to remove the rule you have set.

Please note: The Latest booking will only apply to online orders but the Earliest booking will apply to online orders and orders made by a user in the app.

  • Customer cancellation - choose whether to allow customers to cancel bookings online. Choose between 'Not allowed', 'Allowed' or 'Allowed if unpaid'.

    • Latest customer cancellation time - select a time if you want to restrict when a customer can cancel. If you select a time it will only allow cancellations up to this amount of time before the booking (this option will only appear if you have chosen 'Allowed' or 'Allowed if unpaid'). If you do not want to restrict the cancellation select 'None'.

'Enable customer cancellation' must also be toggled on in shop settings in order to enable this feature.

  • Availability rules - to set the dates and times this appointment can be booked select the 'Add new availability rule'. If this Appointment only for a certain period of time (e.g. a Xmas Special) set the date range. If this Appointment type is permanent just leave this section blank. Add in the timings of when this appointment is bookable between. You can also tick and untick the weekdays this applies to. Select 'Create'. You can then 'Add new availability rule' for as many you need. These can be edited or removed by selecting the three dots > 'Edit' or 'Delete'.

Remember to 'Save' to save changes!

Please note: setting availability rules is mandatory. If there are no rules set, this appointment type won't be available online for customers to book and for users it will always show as unavailable.


  • Price rules: Here you can set up the pricing across the course of the week. You’re able to set up different pricing for different days or date ranges. Once you select 'Add new price rule', a pop-up will appear asking for pricing information. If you just want the price to run constantly across the course of the year, don’t fill in the date range section. If you want this pricing to only be valid between certain dates, fill this in. Tick the days of the week this applies to. Fill in the price for this rule. Once all enter select 'Create'. You can 'Edit' and 'Delete' these rules by selecting the three dots next to the price rule.

This section is automatically saved.

Your Price rules should match the Availability you have set up for this appointment i.e. if this appointment is available every day of the week make sure there is a price rule for everyday of the week. If not the customer could book a day with no price rule and consequently get their appointment for free.


Here you will be able to specify advanced metadata about this offering for SEO purposes.

You can enter:

  • Meta title

  • Meta Description

The Metadata you enter here are essentially invisible tags that provide data about your page to search engines and website visitors.

When you have entered in the info select 'Save changes'.

Don't worry if you don't know what this is for. If these are left blank, we'll set your metadata for you automatically based on the title and description of your offering!

Related offerings

You can link this particular item to other offerings to upsell them! To do this head to the 'Related' tab. Select 'Add some' or 'Add more' if you already have some listed, then you can select the offerings from the list.

  • Upsell - use this feature to upsell any other Appointments, Sessions, Courses, Area bookings, and Packages. You can select as many as you like. These offerings will appear on this item page under the header "Interested in upgrading?". They are placed under the "Add to Order" button for maximum visibility. When the customer adds an upsell offering, it replaces the original offering. Use this to try get customers to upgrade to a higher priced offering.

  • Retail upsell - use this feature to entice the customer to buy a product to go along with their order. You can select as many products as you like. These products will appear on the checkout page whenever a customer has this item in their basket. From the checkout page, they can add the products to their order. Therefore, if they choose to add a product they will book the appointment and buy the product.

  • Also interested in - These offerings will appear at the bottom of the item page under the header "You might also be interested in". You can choose from any other Appointments, Sessions, Courses, Area bookings, Packages and Products.

You can leave any of these sections blank if you do not want to add any related offerings.

When all information is added remember to press 'Save changes'.

To remove any related offerings select the 'x' next to the offering so it will no longer appear on the shop when purchasing this particular item.

Please see the screenshots to see examples of where these related offerings will appear on the shop front!

Audit log

The audit will display a timeline of any changes/ updates that have been made to the appointment type. For example if an availability rule was changed or deleted. It will display the change made along with the date/ time and which user did this.

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