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Voucher types

What are Voucher types and how can I create them?

Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated this week

Trybe gives you the ability to create, manage and sell your own vouchers! There are two types of vouchers you can create; 'Monetary amount' vouchers and 'Free item' vouchers. Once a customer purchases a voucher they will receive a voucher code that they can use on the shopfront or when booking with you and your team.

To set up your vouchers you will need to first have all of your offerings set up that your vouchers can apply to.

To create Voucher types head to Settings > Offerings > Voucher types > Add new voucher type > enter voucher name > Create.

If you select the three dots next to the voucher type you will be able to 'Edit', 'Copy' or 'Archive', the voucher.

If you archive vouchers you will be able to find them by toggling on the 'Archived voucher types' button. Here you will then see a list of all archived vouchers and you will be able to restore them by selecting the three dots > Restore.

If you select 'Edit' you will then be able to work through these steps within the voucher type as required:

Some of the settings will be different depending on whether the voucher type is a 'Monetary amount' or 'Free item'.

Manage special dates

You can set up 'special dates' when your vouchers may not be used. By default we have added UK bank holidays here to get you started. You can edit the dates of these default bank holidays and you can also add any other dates too.

To Manage your special dates head to Settings > Offerings > Voucher types > Manage special dates.

Here you will be able to name your special dates, it will automatically prefill to 'Restricted dates', but you can change to whatever you want!

On the default dates that have been set there may be some mistakes in the default dates selected so please do look at these and edit them accordingly. To change the date select on the current date then choose the new date from the drop down calendar. You can also change the label name for the date by selecting on the current name and overriding this. Whatever changes are made remember to select 'Save' to save all changes.

How do I delete a Special date?

If you want to remove a Special date select on the 'x' next to the date.

How do I add another Special date?

To add another date to the Special dates, scroll down on the current list of Special dates > select 'Add another' > select the date and add a label > 'Save'.

When you have set up your special dates you must tick 'Prevent this voucher being used on Special dates' to make this voucher not be applicable on these special dates. Please head to the 'Usage restriction' step to see where you can do this!


  • Name - the name of the voucher

  • Description - this will display to your customers on your Trybe Shop if chosen to be Offered Online

  • Message to recipient - This message will be included in the email that gets sent with the gift voucher. You can use the hyper link option if you ant to redirect the client to a specific page.

  • Shop Image - Here you can upload an image that will be used for this Voucher type on the shop front if Offered online. If no image is chosen it will remain blank on the Shop front. This image will also be displayed on the gift voucher that will be emailed to the customer.

  • Product code - add a code for this Voucher type.

  • Voucher type - choose between 'Monetary amount'(a certain amount of money will be put on the voucher for the customer to use on all items) or 'Free item' (this will mean that the customer will get certain offerings for free, depending on what you select on the 'Usage restrictions' section)

  • Voucher amount - Enter in the amount of money that is on this particular voucher, you will need to do this for both Monetary amount and Free item vouchers

  • Voucher expiry - Enter in when this voucher expires, the email voucher your guest receives will also show this expiry under the code they receive.

If creating a Monetary voucher - once you select this, you'll see a new setting appear for 'Flexible Amount' (see image 3). You will have to give the voucher a fixed amount in the Voucher Amount field i.e. £100. However, if 'Flexible Amount' is toggled on when you go to sell these vouchers, your team will be able to change the amount field at the point of sale.

Voucher Validity

  • Partial redemptions (Monetary Amount) - here you can decide whether you want to allow partial redemptions. If toggled this on, the customer will be able to redeem this voucher for multiple orders until the balance is £0. If not toggled on the whole voucher must be redeemed in one go. This option will only be displayed if you have selected the 'Monetary amount' Voucher type.

  • Expire after - select the expiry period for this voucher. Choose the duration from the drop down menu. If you do not want the voucher to have an expiry date, select 'No expiry'.

Usage restrictions

This section will only appear if this is a 'Free item' voucher type. 'Monetary amount' voucher types do not require this section as they can be redeemed on all items and all dates.

  • Valid weekdays - select the weekdays that this voucher can be redeemed on. For example, if you do not want the voucher to be used on the weekend you can select Mon-Fri and leave Sat-Sun blank. This will mean the voucher cannot be used if the customer was trying to book for a weekend.

  • Prevent this voucher from being used on special dates - toggle this on/ off in accordance to whether you want the voucher to be redeemable on a special dates or not. If this option is toggled on this voucher will not be able to be used on any special dates. Please see the 'Manage special dates' step to see how to set these up.

  • Valid items - select 'Add new product or service' to select which offerings are valid for this particular voucher. Here you will be able to select which Appointments/ Sessions/ Area bookings/ Packages/ Products are valid. Simply toggle on/ off the items > Create. Once the item has been added as a valid item you can delete any items by selecting the three dots > delete. If you want to add more items to the list select 'Add new product or service'.


  • Public - discoverable by anyone (if no restrictions on members etc). Select this is you want customers to be able to purchase this voucher on your website.

  • By link only - only accessible to people who have the link (unique URL generated for this specific voucher type). This means it won't be indexed on search engines and won't be found on your 'Vouchers' page.

  • Private - won't appear on your booking engine at all. Can only be booked by users via the app.

Members settings

  • Members only - toggle on if this voucher type is only available if you have a membership.

    • Permitted membership types (Restrict this item to certain membership types) - if you toggle on 'Members only' you will then be able to select which membership types should be allowed to purchase this voucher. If you want all membership types to be able to purchase then you can leave this section blank.


Please note: In order for vouchers to be redeemable, an availability rule must be set up for the voucher, even for vouchers that are only used internally.

If no availability rules are created, selling the voucher through an order or using the 'Transfer to voucher' option will result in an error message stating 'The item cannot be purchased on this date'. To resolve this, you need to set up an availability rule for your voucher.

  • Add new availability rule- to set the date range this voucher can be purchased select 'Add new availability rule'. If this voucher is only available for a certain period of time (e.g. a Xmas Special) set a date range and select 'Create'.

If this type of voucher is permanent, after selecting the start date for availability, leave the second field blank by clicking outside the calendar, then click 'Create':

You can also 'Add new availability rule' for as many you need. These can be edited or removed by selecting the three dots and 'Edit' or 'Delete'.

Audit log

The audit will display a timeline of any changes/ updates that have been made to the appointment type. For example if an availability rule was changed or deleted. It will display the change made along with the date/ time and which user did this.

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