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Visit types

What are Visit types and how to create them?

Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 4 months ago

Do you want your hotel guests to have the flexibility of choosing their treatment on their preferred date before their weekend stay begins?

Well, Visits can be created for upcoming overnight guests that include treatments and access to spa facilities. To create Visit types head to Settings > Marketing & comms > Visit types > Create visit type.

Settings within Visit types


  • Name - name of this visit type

  • Description (not mandatory) - add a description that will only be visible internally


In this section you can select which offerings you want to be affiliated to your visit. You can choose from:

  • Appointments

  • Area bookings

  • Products

  • Sessions

  • Packages

Please note that Visit types do not currently support couples packages.

Email message template>

Here you can write in the message that you want to be displayed for this visit. This is the message your guests will receive upon scheduling their visit.

Reminder emails>

If you want your guests to receive reminder emails about their upcoming visit. You can opt in for automatic reminder emails by toggling on 'Send visit prompt'.

  • Send visit prompt - Once this has been toggled, a drop-down list will appear so you can tailor when the customer will receive their reminder email by selecting how many days before the visit the email should be sent. Choose between 1-10 days from the drop down menu.

Prompt email template - You can personalise this text for your guests to remind them of their upcoming visit.

IMPORTANT: When you send a Visit link to the guest, Trybe does not hold any spaces for the packages or treatments for the Guest(s). Therefore we highly recommend adding text in the Email templates above that inform the client of this and to book sooner than later to avoid disappointment should the spa/treatments get booked up.

Integration settings>

If your site uses a Guestline PMS, you will be able to toggle on this option and this will connect your integration system with Trybe by sending automatically a link to the visit portal to your customer. If this is disabled, then you will have to manually send the portal invite notification to your customer.

At the moment Visit types can only be integrated with Guestline > We plan to integrate other PMS in the near future

Rate codes>

This will be the code that maps Guestline to Trybe. It is a rate code that you want to be mapped to the visit.

Press 'Save changes' when you are happy with the settings you have set up.

Once you're back on the list of Visit Types you've created if you select the three dots next to a visit type you will be able to 'Edit' or 'Archive' the visit.

To activate the connection to Guestline, you'll need to contact our support team ([email protected]) to enable the connection for the Visits Guestline integration. We will require you to send us the Last Movement ID - this can be found in your Guestline settings. If unsure where to find this, please contact Guestline to provide further instruction.

Creating a Visit

Once your Visit types settings are configured, head to the 'Visits' tab on your left.

Creating visits>

To create a visit to send to a guest, click on '+ New visit' (top right of the page).

You will then be prompted to provide the details of your guest to whom this visit will be sent. You must enter in the following information:

  • Arrival and departure dates

  • Visit type (visit types that you have set up in your settings)

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email

  • Phone (not mandatory)

> 'Notify customer about this visit': If you want your guest to automatically receive an email containing the link to pick the item for their visit once the visit is created, you can toggle on this option. If this is toggle off, you would have to manually send the notification (this can be done once the visit has been created, by selecting 'send visit notification').

Once done, you can select 'Create visit'.

Visit overview>

It will then open a visit page and create a new order where you can see a general overview at the top with:

  • The order number of the visit

  • The duration that the guests are staying

  • The guest name

  • The visit type selected

The status of the visit will first show as 'Incomplete' as the guest would have to choose their item within this visit.

From the same page, you will have different sections:

  • Items - will display the item(s) selected by the guest(s)

    • Manager order: you can see the order details and edit it if needed

  • Guests - the guest name

    • Add guest: you can add other guests within the visit

  • Notes - if you need to add further information about the visit

  • Audit - will display a timeline of any changes/ updates that have been made to the visit

You will then only see one of these two options:

> 'send visit notification' - this means that no notification has yet been sent to the customer, which will be the case if you did not toggle on the option 'Notify customer about this visit' when creating the visit. You will have to manually send the notification to your customer by clicking on this


> 'resend visit notification' - this means that the notification has already been sent but if for example your customer has not yet selected their item and the date of their visit is approaching, you can click on it to resend the notification


By clicking on 'Settings', you can:

  • 'Go to order' - redirects you to the order linked to the visit

  • 'Go to client' - will redirect you to the customer profile

  • Edit - you will be able to edit the information given at the beginning regarding the arrival/departure dates, the visit type and the guest's contact details

  • Archive - archive a visit and it will no longer appear in the dashboard list

Keeping Track of Visits

By heading to the 'Visit' page, it will show a dashboard where you will be able to see any visits that are coming up.

Keeping Track of Visits>

You can use the quick filters at the top to view a list of incomplete visits that will start over the next 7, 14 or 21 days. You can click directly on it to see the list of incomplete visits.

You can use additional filters too if you want to really narrow down your search. To add any further filters select the 'add filter' button and you can then toggle the filters on/off:

  • Status - choose from the following:

    • Configured: the guests did select the items for their visit

    • Incomplete: the guests have not yet chosen the items for their visit

  • Arrival date - choose the date range here, this will then display all visit types taking place in this date range

  • Date visit created - this will display visits created between these dates

The report will list:

  • Order reference - the order reference number

  • Guest - the name of the lead booker

  • Dates - the date(s) of the visit

  • Status - configured or incomplete

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