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'Appointments' Report

Do you want to be able to quickly see all the appointments taken by a particular practitioner for a certain date range?

Well, there is a Report that will do this for you! Simply head to the Reports tab > Appointments.

Appointment date: This is the date that the appointment is taking place (Revenue date). You can change the date range by selecting the current dates and choosing a new date range via the drop-down calendar.

You can then select 'Add filter' if you want to filter the report. A pop-up will then appear where you can toggle on the following filters:

  • Practitioners - if toggled on you can then choose practitioners from the drop-down list

  • Rooms - if toggled on you can then choose rooms from the drop-down list

  • Zones - if toggled on you can then choose zones from the drop-down list

  • Received Date - With this you can open up the date picker and choose a date range in which the appointment was made, instead of the date it will be taking place.

The report will show you:

  • Date and time of the appointment

  • Received date - The date that the appointment was confirmed

  • Type - Appointment type name

  • Guests - name of the guest (if the guest has a client profile you will be able to select the name and it will take you directly to their profile)

  • Practitioners - the practitioner that is taking the appointment

  • Room name - the room this appointment is taking place in

  • Duration - The length in time of the appointment (excluding cleaning time)

  • The Net Total - The Net total of the service provided (export for Gross)

  • Order ref - if you select this it will take you directly to the order

You can then 'Export' this report too. Exporting will allow you to see the Gross Total in a column on the .CSV