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Discount types and Promo codes
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 3 months ago

In this section you can create discount types and promo codes. Both discount types and promo codes can be applied to an order by a user in the app. However, only promo codes can be used by customers on the shop front, discount types cannot be used on the shop front.

To create a discount type/ promo code head to Settings > Order management > Discount types and Promo codes > 'Add new discount type or promo code' > in this pop up you will then be able to choose to create a discount type (app only) or a promo code (customer use and usable in app too).

You can then enter the 'code' and select 'Create'.

Please note even if you enter in the code in lowercase when you select 'Create' the code will automatically change to upper case.

On your collection of discount types and promo codes there will be various labels associated with each type/ code.

  • Discount type (App only)

  • Promo code (For customer use)

  • Set up incomplete - there are some settings that if left blank will result in the code not being fully set up and therefore not ready to use yet

  • Ready for use - when this label is shown the code is all set up and ready to be applied to an order!

Creating a discount type

To create a discount type head to Settings > Order Management > Discount types and Promo codes > Add new discount type or promo code > App only (Discount type) > enter in code > Create.

All codes will be in upper case, so even in you enter the code in lower case when you 'Create' it will update to upper case.

On the details page you will be able to fill out the following information for your discount type:

  • Applicable for - In this case it is 'App only (Discount type)'. This code cannot be entered by customers on the shop front.

  • Code - This is what you will see in your reports.

  • Description - here you can add a description of what the code can be used for if needed. This description will only be visible to your internal users.

  • Amount type - Choose from Percentage or Monetary

  • Customisable amount - toggle this on or off. If toggled on you will be able to enter the amount you want to discount, the value will be up to the set amount you have entered in the percentage/ fixed amount option.

  • Percentage/ Monetary - enter in the % off or £ off for this discount type. If a percentage or monetary amount is not entered then the discount will not be ready for use.

Select 'Save' once you have filled out all the information.

You can view the 'Audit log' to see any changes made to this discount type along with the user who made the change and the date/ time.

Creating a promo code

To create a discount type head to Settings > Order management > Discount types and Promo codes > Add new discount type or promo code > For customer use (Promo code) > enter in code > Create.

All codes will be in upper case, so even in you enter the code in lower case when you 'Create' it will update to upper case.

Promo codes are applicable on your booking engine, for use by customers. But they can also be applied in the app too if necessary.

On the details page you will be able to fill out the following information for your promo code:

  • Applicable for - In this case it is 'For customer use (Promo code)'. This code can be used by customers on your shop front and can be used in app in necessary.

  • Code - This is what the customer will enter to receive their discount. This field will not be editable once this promo code has been redeemed.

  • Description - here you can add a description of what the code can be used for if needed. This description will only be visible to your internal users.

  • Percentage - Enter the % off for this promo code. Promo codes will only give a percentage off, you cannot enter a monetary amount. If the % amount is not entered then the promo code will not be ready for use.

  • Max code usage - here you can limit the number of times this promo code can be used across all bookings, e.g. for the first 1000 bookings. Leave blank for unlimited usage.

Select 'Save' once you have filled out all the information.

You can view the 'Audit log' to see any changes made to this discount type along with the user who made the change and the date/ time.

You will notice when creating a 'Promo code' there is also a 'Validity' section, click the next step to see what you can set up here!

Promo code validity

When you are creating your promo code and have set up the 'Details' section you can then move onto 'Validity' section.

Promotional period - Here you can select the date range that this promotion is active for. You must select a start date, if no start date is selected the promo code will not be ready for use. If you want the promotion to run endlessly then you can leave the end date blank. However, if you want the promotion to have a cut off then you can set an end date i.e. only valid for orders placed within the month of November then you would set 1st Nov - 30th Nov. Customers will be able to use this promo code when they place an order between these dates (received date).

Item booking restrictions - This section allows you to restrict the date range, days and times for when the purchased item(s) occurs (revenue date of the item). All of this section can be left as it is if you do not want to add any item booking restrictions. The promo code will only be valid for items in an order which adhere to these restrictions.

  • Valid item booking dates - if you only want the promo code to be applicable for items booked on a certain date then you can choose a date range. This can be left blank if not needed.

  • Valid weekdays - if you only want the promo code to be applicable for items booked on a certain day of the week then you can tick/ untick the weekdays here.

  • Valid between - if you want to restrict the use of the promo code even further then you can set between times here i.e. if you only want the promo code to be valid on items booked in the evening.

Discount application - Select the items this promo code is valid for. By default, no items are selected and the discount will not be applied. If specific items are selected, the discount will only be applied to those items in an order. If all items are selected, all items within any order will be discounted.

  • In the list of offerings simply toggle on/ off the items you want the promo code to be applicable for. If you do not select any items the promo code will not be ready for use

Select 'Save' once you have filled out all the information.

Follow this link to learn how to apply these promo codes in Trybe and on your shopfront.

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