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Stock adjustments report
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 4 months ago

To find this report head to Reports > Stock adjustments

This report displays all adjustments for stock in your inventory.

This includes manual adjustments made to a stock item, as well as automatic adjustments made through retail orders, received stock orders and posted stocktakes.

You can select the 'Date of adjustment' to filter by a specific date range. For example, if you want to see all adjustments made in a certain month you can filter by that month date range.

You can select 'Add filter' to add additional filters to the report. You can toggle on...

  • Brands - if toggled on you will then be able to filter the report based on the brands that are associated to your stock items

  • Categories - if toggled on you will then be able to filter the report based on the categories that are associated to your stock items

The report will list:

  • Date adjusted - this will list the date and time of the adjustment

  • Stock item - the stock item that has been adjusted

  • Quantity - the quantity that it has been adjusted by i.e. 1 in (if it was adding stock) or 1 out (if it was removing stock).

  • Reason code - this is the reason the adjustment was made. It can be any of the reasons that must be selected when you manually go to adjust stock, or can be an order ref if it is linked to a retail product and this product has been sold etc.

  • Description - additional information to the reason for the adjustment (if applicable)

  • Adjustment value - the value of the adjustment

  • Adjusted by - the name of the user who made the adjustment (if this is blank, this would have been an automated adjustment made by Trybe i.e. sale and refunds of products)

You can then also export this report too using the 'Export' option if needed.

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