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How to add a package to an order?

When you have created a new order you will be brought to the order overview page for this order, from here you can add a package!

To do this select 'Add package' > a pop up will then appear where you can add the package to your order.

Step 1 - Choose package

  • Here is where you can choose the package you would like to add to the order. Choose the package from the list shown or search for the package!

Step 2 - Choose guests

  • Next you will have to select the guests that you want to add this package for. If you have already entered the guest into the 'Client details' section of the order then this guest will appear as an option. You can then also add other guests by selecting 'Add guest'

    • Enter guest name > Add OR

    • Search for the client via their name or email in the 'Customer search' > Search > this will bring up all guests that are associated with this name/ email > select the client from the list

  • If the package you have chosen has 'Couples package' enable then you will have to select 2 guests in order to proceed as it will state "This package is for 2 guests. Please choose them here before continuing."

  • If you are adding a package that does NOT have 'Couples package' enable then the system will let you know that "You can choose multiple guests to add this package for more than one guest at the same time." Therefore, you can add multiple guests that require this package and this will make the process of adding the packages to the order much quicker!

> Next

Step 3 - Choose the date

  • Here you can select the date that you want to book in this package. Use the arrows on the calendar to scroll to different months.

> Next

Step 4 - Choose options

  • The 'Choosing for' option will appear showing the guest that you are configuring this package for. This will only appear if you are configuring the package for more than one guest and the package is NOT a 'Couples package'. As it is not a couples package once you have chosen the options for one guest you will have to then configure the package for all guests that were ticked in the 'Choose guests' step. Only once all the options for all the guests have been selected will you be able to select 'Finish' to add the packages to the order.

  • Any options in the package that have been set up for an increased price/price change will shown during the process, so you can quote this to the client in real time (see image 3).

    • Once you configure the package for one guest if you then select the box next to 'Choosing for' you can then select the other guests and fill in their choices too. Whilst you are going through and select the slots for each choice, it will give you the option of what was chosen for the other guest (this will be highlighted in blue) so you can select this and it will add the same choice at the same time. If you select the suggested time slot and there is no other availability it will not prefill and will let you know there are no slots available so you will have to choose a different slot.

    • When you have selected a choice if you then want to change/ remove an option select the three dots next to the option here you can then...

      • Change time

      • Change option

      • Reassign - select this to edit the room/ practitioner that the appointment type is booked in for

      • Remove option

> Finished

The packages will then be in a 'Reserved' state so you will have to select 'Confirm' to confirm the order :)