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Membership charges

To access this report head to Reports > Membership charges.

This report will show all the membership charges and their status within the date range you select. To change the date range select the date and then the drop down calendar will appear where you can choose a particular date range.

The report is broken down into:

  • Status - the status of the charge i.e. Succeeded, Refunded, Processing etc.

  • Details - this will show you whether it was a manual or auto payment and also the month/ months this charge paid for i.e. March 2023 or Feb 2023 - Feb 2024

  • Method - here you will be able to see if this charge was a BACS Direct Debit payment or not. If the charge was direct debit it will display the logo, if it wasn't i.e. recurring card payment or a manual payment then it will display a little card icon

  • Membership number - each membership charge will link to a particular membership. Each membership has a unique number, if you select on the number it will take you to the client profile that has this membership.

  • Amount - this is the amount that was charged/ refunded

You are also able to filter this report by selecting 'Add filter'. From here you can toggle on the following filters:

  • Status - Succeeded, Refunded, Processing, Preparing, Upcoming or Errored

  • Type - Manual (manually recorded payments) or Auto (auto-generated charges i.e. bacs direct debit or recurring card payments)