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How to manage a rota?

To manage all your practitioners rotas in one place you can head to Calendar > Rota on the left column. You must have already created the practitioners rotas to view a rota here. (Press 'Creating a Rota' to view the guide)
This will bring up an overview of the weeks rota. To change the week you can move between the arrows in the top right hand corner. You can then press the 'Go to this week' button to easily navigate back to the current week. 
The rota will display the days, practitioners and their shifts for the week. Across the top you will be able to see a report of any Issues (scheduling issues), Bookable hours (total hours available to be booked), Booked hours (hours that have been booked) and Utilisation (an overall percentage of how you have utilised the hours this week).
You can also see a percentage of hours used per day or per practitioner that week. To see this in more detail you can hover over the green numbers and it will display like images 2 and 3. It will break it down into further categories including appointment minutes and session minutes.