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Ledger postings

To access your Ledger postings report head to Reports > Ledger postings.

Here you will be able to see a collection of your postings including item revenues, deposits and refund etc and the status they are in. The report includes all ledger postings made to an external system, such as your PMS.

Each ledger posting will have the following:

  • Status - Success, Error, In progress, Not started or Resolved

  • Integration - PMS this posting links to i.e. Opera, Guestline etc.

  • Relates to - order ref and link to go directly to the order or membership link to take you to the client profile

  • Contains - item revenues, deposit, refund etc

  • Created at - date the posting was created

You will also be able to filter your report by selecting 'Add filter'. From here you can then toggle on the following filters:

  • Created at

    • If toggled on you will then be able to select a date range and the report will only show postings that were created within this date range.

  • Status - Choose from the following:

    • Success - The posting has successfully posted to your PMS

    • Error - There has been an error when posting this

    • In progress - As Opera times out after 60 seconds, Opera users may see a posting in this state. Guestline users won’t see postings in this status as the posting will happen instantly.

    • Not started - The posting hasn't started, this could be for revenue of £0.

    • Resolved - The posting has been manually resolved by a user selecting the three dots next to the posting and selecting 'Mark as resolved'.

When you select the three dots next to a posting these are the possible options (depending on the status):

  • View details - select this to view the posting details

  • Retry - select this if you want to retry posting this to your PMS

  • Mark as resolved - select this if you have manually resolved this

  • Mark as success - select this if you check your PMS and the posting has actually successfully posted