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How to delete a client profile and anonymise their data

If a client requests removal of all of their data you hold on them in Trybe, you can delete the clients profile really quickly in Trybe.

To do this head to Clients > search for the client > select their Profile name > select Settings in the top right of the profile > delete.

This action will:

  • Delete their contact details

  • Un-attach any Labels linked to the client profile

  • Anonymise all future Orders - the name will be removed from all Orders they have made for past and future dates

  • Address will be deleted

  • They will be unconnected to any Marketing Opt ins

  • Client will not be able to access their account on your Trybe shop

  • Client won't be able to use any unused Membership credits as you would have cancelled their Membership to delete the Client.

This action will not:

  • Remove the customer notes, you will need to manually delete these. See screenshot two showing where to delete notes.