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How to order your Offerings on the Shop front?

Would you like to be able to organise the order of your offerings to make your perfect shop front?

Well, you can customise the order of your shop front offerings from within Trybe!

To do this head to Settings > Shop settings > Offering order.

Here you will see a list of all of your offerings that are offered online and you can move your offerings around so they are in your ideal order!

There are a few ways you can move your offerings around...

  • Drag and drop your offerings into the exact place you want.

  • Select the three dots next to the offering and choose to 'Move to top' or 'Move to bottom'. This will immediately place the offering at the top/ bottom of the list.

  • Select the three dots > Move to position. This will allow you to enter in a number between 1 and how many offerings you have available online.

When you change the order of your offerings please 'Save' to save any changes so they will then appear in this order on the shop front!

When checking your shopfront, you'll just need to refresh the page, this should update the page to the new offering order.