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Daily Revenue FAQs

Daily Revenue

How is the Number of Guests calculated?

The number of guests is calculated by the amount of guests in each order.

How is room occupancy calculated?

Room occupancy is calculated by the hours of treatments taking place within rooms across a certain date in comparison to the amount of available hours that the spa’s rooms have for that same date. 

What does posted to PMS mean?

Posted to PMS means orders that have been checked out and pushed to the property management system such as Guestline or Opera. 

Is Order Value Net or Gross?

Order value is gross.

Is Revenue Net or Gross?

Revenue is shown in the revenue centre as both Net and Gross.

How are the Payment Type Balances calculated?

Payment type balances are calculated by the amount paid on orders via their different payment types. 

Why do I have a different total for my Order Value and Payment Type?

The order value is calculated by totalling the value of all of the orders you have on that date, the payment type amount is the total that has been paid which can differ depending on refunds processed, discounts and overpayments.

How can I find the Orders I need to update to make sure my Order Value and Payment Type Balance matches up?

This will be found by looking through the orders listed on the revenue dashboard. The total of the value will be the order value and the total of paid will be the payment type balance. By looking through the payments compared against the value you will find the difference. 

What different offering types are included in this report?

All offerings from appointment types through to courses.