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How to create Retail products?

The Retail products section is where you can create products that can be purchased within Trybe, these can not be purchased individually on the shop front. These products can also be used in the Related offerings section when choosing a Retail cross-sell. 
To create a Retail product head to Settings > Retail products > Add new product
Enter the Product name > Create. 

It will then take you to another page where you can add more information about the retail product. 

  • Shop image - Here you can upload an image that will be used for this retail product on the shop front. The image must be max 1mb and dimensions should use the aspect ratio 3 / 2.

  • Tracked inventory - if you want to track the retail product to a product in your Inventory you can select it here. (You should set up all products in your inventory first if you want to link them to a retail product.) Once this product has been tracked in the inventory this means that when this product is purchased it will automatically update the stock level for that product in the inventory. See guide on how to create Inventory products.

  • Revenue centre - select which revenue centre you want the revenue from this product to go to. 

  • Barcode - select this if you would like to associate a barcode to the retail product. Please view the guide on this here!

  • Price rules - '+ Add new rule' to add the price of the product. Set the Valid between dates or you can leave these blank if this is an ongoing price. Press 'Save' when done. You can edit or delete these at any time using the 'Edit' or 'Delete' buttons. 

Select 'Save' at the bottom of the page to save all changes made.