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Bookable Area Occupancy Report

Do you have Bookable Areas and want to view a report to see how utilised these areas were over a certain date range? Well this is the report for you.

To access your Bookable Area occupancy report head to Reports > Occupancy > Bookable area occupancy.

The report will display information on the utilisation of your Bookable areas based on the date range you have selected (up to 60 days). You can alter the date range by selecting on the current date and choosing a new date from the drop down calendar as well as segment the data by Zones using the Filter function.  

The report will list:

  • Area Name

  • Available hours - these are the amount of available hours the room has based on the opening hours of the spa or the individual opening hours you have set up for this specific room

  • Blocked hours -  these are any blocked times that have been added to this room in the calendar. This could be breaks, cleaning times etc.    

  • Booked hours - these are the amount of hours that the bookable area has area bookings scheduled in for

At the top of the report, you will also be able to see a total for all these columns.