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How can I cancel an order in Trybe?
How can I cancel an order in Trybe?
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 3 months ago

You can cancel an order in Trybe at any time until the Order has been Checked Out.

  • What if the Order has not paid yet and is not confirmed? - Firstly, you can find the Order by using the Search tool on the Orders page or if you know the date you can go directly to the Calendar and find the Order there. When you have located the Order, open the Order to view the details, make sure to scroll the page to the bottom of the details and there you will see a 'Cancel Order' button. Select this to Cancel the Order. This will remove all Items and update the Value to £0.

  • What if the Order has already been paid and confirmed? - Go to the order details and cancel the order the same way. Then you can refund any money the customer is due by heading to the Payments tab > select the three dots > Refund > enter in the amount > Refund.

  • What if the Order is confirmed and Checked In already? - You can cancel the order after you have confirmed/paid for and checked the customer in, the same way you cancel before confirmed.

When you go to 'Cancel order' an order a pop up will appear warning you that all associated items will be cancelled. If you are happy to cancel select 'Yes, cancel order'. This will then cancel the whole order.

If you would prefer to just cancel an item in the order you can do this by selecting the three dots next to the item > Remove item. This will remove the item from the order.

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