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Intake forms
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 3 months ago

Do you want to create/ build/ modify your Medical / Consultation / PAR-Q forms? You can do that all from your Trybe settings!

To create the sections for your Medical / Consultation / PAR-Q forms head to Settings > Intake forms.

The form sent out to Guests will be made up of one or more of the sections you're about the create here and will also be based on the contents of the customer's order.

To start creating the sections of your intake form select 'Add new section'.

The Order in which you create the sections will be the same Order that is sent to the Guest. You can not amend this after creating the sections.

Here you can then enter in the 'Title' and 'Description' of the section (both of which can be changed later).

For Example:

Title: Medical History
Description: Please complete the form based over the last 5 years and any existing conditions you may have

Once entered, select 'Create'.

In each section of the form you will have to fill out the following information:

  • Details

  • Offerings

  • Questions


Here you can set the title, description, introductory text and concluding text for this section of questions.

  • Title i.e. Medical History (this is seen by the Guest)

  • Description i.e. To gather details on medical conditions (internal, not seen by the Guest)

  • Intro text i.e. Please fill in the following questions (this is seen by the Guest)

  • Outro text i.e. Please review above to make sure this is correct before continuing (this is seen by the Guest)

When you add changes to this section select 'Save details' to save changes.


Choose which offerings this section applies to. This section of questions will only be included in a guest's intake form if their order contains at least one of the selected Offering types.

Toggle on the specific offerings you want this section to appear for. Move between the Appointments, Area bookings, Products, Sessions and Packages tabs and toggle the relevant offerings! To help with the process of toggling on the offerings, on each page you will see there is a 'Select all visible' option, select this and it will toggle on all visible offerings!

Remember to 'Save offerings' to save any changes made.


Finally you can now add the questions to this section. You can add as many questions as you need!

Select 'Add new question' > enter in the question > create. You can 'edit' or 'delete' questions by selecting the three dots next to the question.

All questions can be configured with a different Answer Type i.e.

  • Short Text i.e. Good for questions requiring a short answer such as entering a Full Name

  • Long Text i.e. Good to questions requiring a detailed answer such as "Let us know more information

  • Multiple Choice i.e. Please select any conditions that apply

  • Yes/No i.e. Direct questions such as 'Do you have a Nut allergy?'

  • Phone i.e. To request a phone number (this will enable a field displaying country codes)

  • Email i.e. this will enable a field that checks the format of the text entered to make sure it is consistent with an email address

  • Date/Time i.e. useful when asking for DOB or last date they went to the gym questions

  • Terms & Conditions i.e. anything you want the Guest to consent to such as "I agree all the details entered above are true' etc. (These are automatically enabled as Mandatory questions.)

You can make any question Mandatory or Optional by toggling on the Options to Required or Not.

For Yes/No or Multiple Choice questions, you can request 'Additional details' > if this is toggled on, when the guest has selected an answer, a free type text box asking for more details will display.

For Multiple Choice Questions, you can enable whether only one answer should be ticked or if multiple choices can be ticked.

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