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Voucher ledger
Emily O'Shea avatar
Written by Emily O'Shea
Updated over 2 months ago

What is the aim of Voucher ledger?

  • This voucher register provides an overview of your voucher obligations, giving you quick access to your voucher balance, vouchers sold and redeemed, and cancelled vouchers.

  • This report is different from our previous voucher register report because of the time period. By using a single date, you are able to quickly show totals of vouchers held, as with a deposit register.

What's behind this report?

  • This report is populated by all the voucher types defined in the offers section that have been purchased, redeemed and cancelled.

  • This report also takes into account non-voucher revenues that relate to all voucher type offers that have one of Trybe's default voucher revenue centers such as “vouchers”, “voucher difference”, “voucher discount” and “voucher refunds”. For example, you may have a retail product that acts as a voucher cancellation and would have the voucher refunds revenue center to process. In this case, the non-voucher revenues are included in the voucher ledger totals and, when exported, have their own line to account for this situation.

To find this report, go to Reports > under the Finance heading, you'll see voucher ledger > once selected, you'll be directed to the voucher ledger report, as shown in the following screenshot.

How to use voucher ledger

Report overview :

  • Date - Here you can select the date you wish to view. You'll then get a summary of your register of account lines at that date.

  • Summary

  • Balance - This is the sum of vouchers sold minus vouchers used minus vouchers cancelled.

  • Sold - This is the total amount of vouchers sold up to the date range selected.

  • Redeemed - This is the total amount of vouchers redeemed up to the date range selected.

  • Voided - This is the total amount of vouchers voided up to the date range selected.

Voucher codes

The report then displays each individual voucher code that has been sold/imported into your system up to the date selected. This will show the unique voucher code, the name of the voucher type, the balance at date selected, the amount redeemed up to the date selected, the amount voided up to the date selected, the cash value of the voucher when it was purchased and any cash difference.

You can then select onto the voucher code and this will provide you with a detailed overview page of that specific voucher. This will include details such as status of the voucher, the value, the balance as well as ledger lines and expiries.

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