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How to map your GiftPro vouchers

To map your vouchers date and item validity details, you need to go to Settings, then:
> Vouchers
Before Mapping each voucher, you can set up dates in which your vouchers cannot be redeemed i.e. Christmas Day, Bank Holidays etc. You can do this by selecting 'Manage Special Dates' in the top right hand corner > select 'Add another' to add a date, name and then continue to add all dates as necessary > Save.
Then once you've done that:
> Next to each voucher you'll see an 'Edit' button> Select 'Edit'.

Validity - here you can select the days of the week this voucher is valid i.e. Mon - Thurs or you can leave them unticked if the voucher can be redeemed any weekday.

Now you've set up special dates you can tick the box to 'prevent the voucher from being redeemed on those dates' if you do not want this voucher to be used on these special dates.

Lastly, you'll need to select the Appointments/ Sessions/ Products/ Memberships/ Packages this can be redeemed against by selecting 'Edit Item' and then ticking all that apply. Once that's all been completed, select Save.

Select 'Back' then repeat process on the next voucher until all have been set up with the relevant validity.

Now that's all completed, your team will be able to search for and redeem valid vouchers within Trybe and customers will be able to redeem vouchers against their Orders online. See how in the below links!