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Recurring Credits

To set up the recurring credits for the membership types go to Settings > Membership types > three dots >edit > scroll to Recurring credits > New recurring credit.

You will then fill out this information about the recurring credit...

  • Name - name of the recurring credit

  • Description -description of what this recurring credit includes 

  • Multi-use (yes or no) - select whether or not this recurring credit is multi-use, can it be used an unlimited amount of time until it expires?

  • Issued on signup (yes or no) - select whether this recurring credit should be instantly issued to members when they signup. Otherwise it will only be issued on the regular billing date (1st of the month)

  • Offerings -

    • Offerings - toggle on the offerings this credit applies to, move between products/ appointments/ sessions/ area bookings/ packages

    • Valid weekdays - tick/ untick the weekdays this recurring credit is valid on

    • Discount type - select either specific amount (monetary value) or percentage 

    • Discount amount/ Discount percentage - enter the £ off or % off here.

When you have finished adding all information about this credit press 'Save'. If you then go back to the membership and go to recurring credits it will be listed there.